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Adding Google Fonts

Use the Font Manager to add additional Google Fonts to your TIME Sites websites.

Written by Scott Spargo
Updated over 12 months ago

The Font Manager provides an easy way to preview and add additional Google Fonts to the website you're currently working with, or to your TIME Sites account overall.

The Font Manager automatically provides access to all of the fonts that are offered by Google, and stays in sync with their current offerings. Simply find the font you're looking for (or browse what's available), and "activate" it for immediate use in TIME Sites.

Finding a Google Font to Use

Open the Font Manager from the "Window" menu, or by pressing shift-F on your keyboard:

The Font Manager defaults to Google Fonts, but you can make sure that "Google Fonts" is selected as the source:

You'll see a list of all the fonts currently available from Google. You can search for a specific font, or filter and sort them using the tools on the right-hand side of the Font Manager.

Activating a Google Font

Once you've found the font you want to add, you can either activate it for the website you're currently working on, or add it as a default on your TIME Sites account.

The website fonts are the fonts that are currently available on the specific website you're working with.

The account fonts are the fonts that will be automatically available to any new websites created in this account.  Adding fonts to this list of defaults can save you the trouble of having to add the same Google font each time to every new website that you create.

Once you've chosen a destination, click the "Add Font" button next to your Google Font of choice:

You'll see the font appear in the list of currently active fonts, on the right-hand side of the Font Manager. This font is now available for use, and can be applied via your Global Styles or via the Text Formatting Panel as usual.

Deactivating a Google Font

To deactivate a font, you can toggle the font to "inactive" in the font preview, or click "Edit List" on the list of active fonts:

If you deactivate a font that is currently being used by text on the site, that text will automatically switch to the fallback default for that font. The fallback is defined by Google Fonts and will typically be a generic "serif" or "sans-serif". 

If you deactivate a font from the account-level defaults, existing websites that use this font will not be affected. This action will only make the Google font unavailable to new websites that are created in the account.

Adding via Code Snippet

If you'd prefer, it's also possible to add a Google Font by pasting the code snippet directly. 

At the top of the Font Manager UI, click the "Add More Fonts" button:

You'll see a text input that allows you to paste in a code snippet. If you have a snippet that you've copied over from Google Fonts, you can paste it in here and click "Submit":

This will make the font available on your site or account as normal, and it will appear in the list of available fonts. It can be deactivated following the same steps described above.

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