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The Page List

Using the Page List View to view all the pages on your site, edit page metadata, delete and duplicate individual pages.

Written by Scott Spargo
Updated over 11 months ago

There are two different views of your website, the Site Map View and the Page List View. When you open a website, you can switch back and forth between the different views using a toggle at the top left of the screen. The Page List is the option on the right:

Use the Page List view if you want to see a sortable list of all the pages in the site. This is particularly useful for websites that have a lot of pages.

On the left side of the screen, you'll see each page of the website appear as an item in the list. For each page, the following information is displayed:

  • Page title. The name of the page will appear in search results, your sitemap, and the tab on the user's browser.

  • Page slug. Underneath the name is the URL slug for your page, which is a very important part of mark-up and SEO.  The page slug is the remainder of your URL after the root domain, i.e.

  • Created date. The time and date of the last time this page was created.

  • Modified date. The time and date of the last time this page was modified.

  • Index: Select whether or not your site gets indexed by search engines

  • Follow: Select whether or not your site gets followed by search engines

  • Social image: Upload a social image for the page, will show when the link is shared.

  • Page Description: Add a page meta description that will show in search results and when the link is shared.

Sorting Pages

The list of pages can be sorted by any of the columns. By default, pages are sorted by title.

To select a different sort, click on the column header (i.e. created date.) Click again to sort by the same column, in the reverse order.

You can also change the current sort, and the direction of the sort, using the dropdown and toggle button at the top right of the screen:

Searching for Pages

To search for a specific page, type your search term into the "Search" input at the top left of the screen. As you type, the page list will filter itself to display only pages whose titles contain your text.

To view all pages again, clear your text out of the search input.

Search operates on the page title (not the description or page content.)

Previewing a Page

When you click on a page, you'll see a preview of it appear on the right-hand side. The thumbnail will show you what the page actually looks like. This is a complete preview of the entire page -- you can scroll within it to see all the content on that page.

You can make the preview area larger or smaller by dragging the left-side border.

Editing Page Information

In the preview area, you can click to edit the page name, page description, and page slug. Double click on any of these fields to edit them.

Some fields have a recommended maximum number of characters. This isn't truly a hard limit, it's a recommendation for SEO best practices.

You can also edit the meta tags settings by checking / unchecking them. 

Adding a Social Image

The 'Social Image' allows you to control which image is displayed when your website is shared on a social network. By default, platforms such as Facebook will scrape the first image of your homepage to display when a default social image is not selected. 

You can add a social image to each page in the preview area. There are two ways to do this.

  1. Click the "Add Image" button to upload an image from your local drive. This image will automatically be added to the Media Library.

  2. Or, if the image you want to use is already in your media library, click the "folder" button. This will automatically open the media library drawer. You can then grab the image you want to use, and drag it onto the social image "drop zone" in the preview area.

Once a social image has been added, you can see it by hovering over the filename. You'll see a small thumbnail preview of the image appear.

Creating New Pages

The "+" at the top right will allow you to create a new page in this website. When you click it, you'll be asked to provide a name and URL slug for the new page.

Once you've provided this information, click "Create Page". The new page will appear in the list.

Deleting Pages

To delete a page, first select a page by clicking on it. If you want, you can select multiple pages at a time by checking the checkboxes at the left-hand side of the list.

To delete the selected pages, click the "trash can" button at the top right. You'll be asked to confirm that you really want to delete the page.

Important! If you delete a page that has sub-pages, those sub-pages will ALSO be deleted. This action cannot be undone!

Duplicating Pages

To duplicate a page, first select a page by clicking on it. If you want, you can select multiple pages at a time by checking the checkboxes at the left-hand side of the list. Then click the "duplicate" button at the top right of the screen. 

This will make a copy of the all the currently selected pages, including the page description.

Page duplication can take a few moments, depending on how many pages you've selected, and how much content is on them. A small progress bar will appear at the bottom right of the screen.

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