This release adds 2 x features to the Account Analytics dashboard.
1 - Grouping Summary Reports
Added capability to filter the sites displayed in the Account Analytics dashboard. Multiple Tags can now be toggled on/off to filter which sites will be displayed.
Selecting multiple tags displays the union of the sites represented by those tags
To select multiple tags use CTRL + click on Windows, and command + click on Mac
Exporting the sites list to CSV will export only the sites displayed in the filtered results
Account metrics may take up to 24 hours to update.
Older websites may not be grouped correctly by tag. If your website does not appear under the appropriate tag, please republish it.
2 - Account Analytics External Views
Metrics shown in the Account Analytics, will now only show non Team members*, any internal visitors will no longer be recorded in these metrics.
*when a user accesses the Time Sites application, their IP address is recorded as internal. Future website visits from that IP will be excluded from analytics, showing only external visitors..