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The Show / Hide on Device Panel

Show or hide page elements depending on the size of the device your site is viewed on.

Written by Scott Spargo
Updated over a year ago

The Show/Hide on Device Panel allows you to hide and display content based on the device type (desktop, tablet landscape, tablet portrait, phone portrait) that visitors are using to view your site. This is an essential part of making sure your website is responsive.

Using this panel allows you to quickly design unique versions of your website that are optimized for each break point, without having to actually create multiple sites.

To open the Show/Hide On Device Panel, click the icon in the right toolbar, select it from the "Window" menu, or press <shift>-H on your keyboard.

We don't recommend using this feature more than you absolutely need to, as creating multiple versions of your site per device mode can seriously slow down your website and impact performance.

Showing and Hiding Elements

Within the panel, you'll see icons representing each of the major devices types in TIME Sites: phone, tablet portrait, tablet landscape, and desktop. These correspond to the device types available in the Device Mode selector in your top toolbar.

We’ve used devices as a convenient approximation. Each button actually corresponds to a range of screen sizes that are most common to that kind of device, so in some cases, large phones may respond as tablets and vice versa.

  • By default, all toggles are unselected, which means the currently selected element will display on all devices.

  • Toggling on any of the four device types will hide your selected grid or element from that corresponding viewport size.

  • The eyeball button will allow you to see all elements that have been hidden.  We recommend keeping this icon selected once you begin using the panel, so elements and grids are not forgotten when a site is published.

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